GDPR Local
20% off and 1hr free consultancy
Data protection is complicated. Companies are faced with different compliance requirements across the World. After GDPR became a thing on 15th of May 2018, every company needed to comply with these complicated, vague, confusing regulations. Some complied fully, some complied partially, and many didn't do anything! Whatever your situation, we can help.
GDPR Local is a team of data protection experts that provide compliance support for thousands of companies across the globe and understand how GDPR applies to your business.
Failure to comply can result in complaints, requests or even investigation by the ico and other regulators. We are here to help - our strength is that we have work with companies in every sector and understand how Regulators work.
If you need to update your GDPR policies, respond to a client questionnaire, or need help with a difficult SAR, RTE or Data Breach, contact us now!
Perk Details
1. One hour free consultancy to any customer - this can be for new companies that need general advice or established companies that need advice about a complex / risky situation - no payment or other commitment required
2. 20% off documentation and EU/UK Representative services
3. 20% off any GDPR project cost
4. 20% off DPO or Compliance Hub service
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