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Company benefits for Myers-Briggs types

Ok, so whether you think that the Myers-Briggs personality tests are as scientifically sound as horoscopes, or whether you’ve built your career around your ‘type’ (classic INFP behaviour that), we’ve put together a bit of a fun guide to help you seek the right company benefit package for you.
If you’ve never had a psychometric test, you can get one here.
Bring on the personality types!
Logistician - ISTJ
ISTJs (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) favour stability and security above all else.
If you’re an ISTJ, you’ll be wanting a consistent work schedule, a clear path for career advancement, and a comprehensive private healthcare plan. You’ll want a share scheme too, to reach your long-term financial goals.
As an IST, you’ll be rational to the core so avoid workplaces that might be a little bit too relaxed in terms of working methods or habits.
Defender - ISFJ
As the empaths of the Myers-Briggs zodiac, ISFJs (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) are loyal to those who genuinely care about them.
ISFJs value benefits like flexible work arrangements, opportunities for professional development, and a company culture that emphasises teamwork and collaboration.
If you are an ISFJ, competitive and high pressure work environments will be serious stressors to you. Lean into your strengths and look for team player roles.
Protagonist - ENFJ
ENFJs (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) work best in companies making a positive impact on society.
If you are an ENFJ, gravitate towards the B-Corp (or the legal profession even) and apply for roles that give you an opportunity to help others. For deep fulfilment, focus on growth and personal development and look for companies that offer a share scheme - promoting the idea of fairness and equality.
ENFJs also thrive in leadership roles so if you’re not quite there yet, look for companies that will support you in your journey towards the top, either via training and career planning, or via financial support.
Architect - INTJ
INTJs (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging) are strategic, analytical, and independent and they like to get their teeth into a project.
They’ll appreciate benefits like a flexible work schedule, opportunities for intellectual challenge and growth. They also love a company culture that values innovation and problem-solving.
If you’re an INTJ, you’ll love a challenge so it will be most satisfying for you to embrace roles that force you to lift your game. If it’s too easy, you’ll stagnate.
⅓ of British employees want a share scheme
Virtuoso - ISTP
Practical ISTPs (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving) are always adaptable, and action-oriented.
If you’re an ISTP, you might find you get bored with repetition so seek out work that gives you variety in your day-to-day. You might also want hands-on work or experimentation, and a company culture that values independence.
As a Virtuoso, you’ll be curious and want to pull things apart to see how they work. Gravitate towards roles that enable you to do this in some way and you’ll find job satisfaction.
Adventurer - ISFP
Compassionate ISFPs (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) are creative by nature and enviably spontaneous.
Harness your ISFP qualities by seeking out opportunities that come with relaxed and supportive company cultures. You’ll also want a healthy work-life balance and a company that allows artistic expression.
If you are an ISFP, you’ll need tangible outlets for your creativity and personality. Avoid companies that expect you to fit into a particular box and never break out of it.
Advocate - INFJ
Creative and passionate INFJs (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) are the rarest of personality types, and they have a burning sense of idealism.
If their work doesn’t have a sense of purpose, they might as well quit. They also thrive in company cultures that value empathy, inclusivity and autonomy.
If you are an INFJ, you’ll want to avoid workplaces and roles that are known for bureaucracy. Your need to just get on with things will be sapped by meaningless rules and regulations.
Mediator - INFP
INFPs (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) are idealistic, empathetic, and creative.
They may look for benefits like a sense of purpose in their work, opportunities for personal and professional growth, and a company culture that values social responsibility and environmental sustainability.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of INFPs can be found in ‘helpful’ fields, like teaching and healthcare. These sorts of roles also come with a regular paycheck (as opposed to freelance work) which also appeals to the practical INFP nature.
Share schemes create future wealth for YOU - ask your company to get one. Share this business case with them.
Logician - INTP
INTPs (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) are curious, unconventional and independent to the core.
They may appreciate benefits like a flexible work schedule, opportunities for intellectual challenge and exploration, and a company culture that values innovation and problem-solving.
If you are an INTP, you’ll be known as the freethinker in your circle so look for workplaces that embrace that side of you. Being able to experiment within the context of your work is key to your personal fulfilment.
Entrepreneur - ESTP
ESTPs (Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving) are always the ones getting the cake in for a colleague’s birthday.
If you’re an ESTP, make sure you are taken care of too by looking for a job with elements of travel or adventure. You’ll also respond to a fast-paced and dynamic work environment, and a company culture that values risk-taking and innovation.
Two of your strongest attributes will be networking and popularity. Lean into those strengths when looking for your next role.
Entertainer - ESFP
ESFPs (Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) are outgoing, spontaneous, and compassionate.
ESFPs may value benefits like opportunities for artistic expression and creativity, a supportive and social company culture, and a work environment that values fun and enjoyment. They’ll also never say no to a free beer vending machine.
If you are an ESFP, avoid working environments that prize uniformity or ‘toeing the line’. If your excitement is quelled, your passion for your working life will die off too.
Campaigner - ENFP
ENFPs (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) do everything on intuition. All of their best decisions are built on hunches.
Workplaces with too many targets and goals might dim their light, so if you’re an ENFP, look for a supportive and inclusive company culture that cares about you having a sense of purpose in your work.
Additionally, you have a lot of big ideas and you need time and space to explore them. Avoid companies that value consistent metrics and gravitate to those that value free thinking instead.
Debater - ENTP
ENTPs (Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) are analytical, curious, and outgoing.
They may appreciate benefits like opportunities for intellectual challenge and exploration, a fast-paced and dynamic work environment, and a company culture that values innovation and problem-solving.
If you’re an ENTP, avoid companies that have a reputation for being a bit ‘uptight’ in regards to policies. You need to be able to express yourself but that contrarian personality could land you in frequent hot water in an authoritarian environment.
Executive - ESTJ
ESTJs (Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) are organised, structured, and have admirable fortitude.
ESTJs are renowned for shoring up others in a crisis but make sure you don’t burn out by choosing companies with great annual leave entitlements. You work hard so you need to play hard too, or you’ll lose your sense of zen.
Additionally, you are big on community so you’ll thrive in companies with matching values. Companies with share schemes should align with your sense of ‘people power’, bringing out the best in your working abilities.
Almost everyone we asked said that their share scheme had improved team alignment.
Commander - ENTJ
ENTJs (Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging) thrive in environments that are filled with opportunities for advancement.
Consequently, ENTJs should gravitate towards companies with clear organisational structures with defined roles and responsibilities. The ideal company for an ENTJ would provide a large salary along with a generous share package.
ENTJs are all natural born leaders so it goes without saying that roles that don’t give them the opportunity to lead would make them profoundly unhappy.
Consul - ESFJ
ESFJs (Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) need a supportive and collaborative work environment to feel properly fulfilled.
Look for companies that present an opportunity to frequently build relationships and companies that have a baseline of emotional intelligence. The latter will translate into excellent employee well-being programmes and team-harmonising share schemes.
If you are an ESFJ, you’ll bring a lot of stability and order to your workplace and you don’t mind repetitive tasks. Workplaces with unpredictable tasks and workloads could be overwhelming to you in the long-term.
This is all highly scientific you know
Hester Grainger, ADHD coach and co-founder of Perfectly ADHD
Years ago I had a personality assessment and the results came back that I was ENFJ. It resonated with me so much that even all these years later, I still remember those four letters.
I am definitely extroverted which is something that has shown from starting my career as a TV presenter and most recently being a radio presenter for the BBC. But more importantly that I am now my own boss running a neurodiversity consultancy (with my husband who is INTJ) which very much ticks the feeling side of my personality.
Being an ENFJ means that I like to control my own life, which works much better when I don’t have a manager to answer to. Also ENFJs are known to enjoy a good work/life balance, which is definitely something that I embrace, running my own company.
Sheryl Miller, founder and director of Reboot Global
I do resonate with the ‘typical’ ENTJ type when deconstructed but also the summary view of someone that looks for opportunities and leads. Working for organisations it was a natural move for me to lead projects and large transformation programmes as I was always looking for ways to improve on the status quo.
I also ran my own projects and ventures outside of work for many years, a trait which I think is probably common for ENTJ types. These have ranged from setting up a women’s network to directing a film festival.
And herein lies the challenge for organisations. How to create enough challenge and variety to keep the ENTJ person at the same organisation. I found as an ENTJ it is quite easy to become frustrated when you feel like people don’t get on board with your latest grand plan. It took a lot of growing up to have the patience needed to work with and lead others.
In conclusion
Things like working from home, share schemes and wellbeing programmes can make all the difference to employee satisfaction and they are not hard or expensive for companies to implement.
We spend a third of our lives at work, so make it work for you, whatever your personality type.
If you’d like to chat to one of our friendly team members about setting up a share scheme, you can book a consultation here.