EMI vs Growth Shares calculator
What's the best option to give shares to your team - EMI options or Growth Shares? Learn more about how to use the calculator before you get started.
The calculations below are based on a few assumptions.
- No other shares have been issued
- Current shareholders have paid nothing for their shares (and will be subject to CGT at 20% on sale)
- EMI Options are exercised at current share price, only on exit (and will be subject to Entrepreneurs' Relief CGT at 10%)
- Proceeds from EMI Options exercised are added to exit valuation
- Growth Shares are issued at a hurdle above current share price
Updates as per the Autumn Budget 2024:
- The BADR (Business Asset Disposal Relief) rates will stay the same for the rest of the current tax year but are set to rise to 14% in the 2025/26 tax year and 18% in 2026/27.
- Standard Capital gains tax is now charged at 18% for basic rate taxpayers, or 24% for higher or additional rate taxpayers.
- It’s also worth noting that the current CGT (Capital Gains Tax) annual allowance is £3,000.
1 Business valuation
2 Current shares
3 Current shareholders
4 Future shareholders
5 Out-turn on exit
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