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Shared ownership calculator: how many shares should you give to your team?

Shared ownership calculator: how many shares should you give to your team?

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Shared ownership calculator: how many shares should you give to your team?

Some of us struggle with the maths when trying to work out exactly how many shares (or options) to give to a member of the team so that they end up with 5% of the company.

To make it easier, we have generated a really basic shared ownership calculator that does the hard work for you.

How to use the calculator

Just stick in the existing shareholders (either individually or as a single block) and the number of shares they have.

Then put in the other members of the team and the percentage of the company you want them to end up with.

The calculator does the rest. It’s as simple as that.

If you think this is useful, please share it.

Try out the shared ownership calculator now.

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