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The sharetech platform

Manage your equity and shareholders

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Share schemes & options

Give key people some skin in the game

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Equity management

Powerful tools and automations

The sharetech platform

Launch funds, evalute deals & invest

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Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV)

Create a syndicate or fund

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Manage your portfolio

Add and monitor your investments

The sharetech platform

Predictable pricing and no hidden charges

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For scaleups & SMEs

Build and retain a winning team

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For larger companies

Streamline equity management

The sharetech platform

Ideas, insight and tools to help you grow

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1 min read

Free business diagnostic tool!

Free business diagnostic tool!

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Free business diagnostic tool!

Anybody who’s run a growing business knows that keeping things on track is like spinning a dinner service’s worth of plates.

Your sales team might be strong, but how’s your marketing strategy? Do you have a plan to reach your target customers? What about your vision and mission? Are they clear not only to you but to your whole team? And how are you measuring growth?

It’s endless, but we can help.

If you want an incisive report that cuts right to the heart of where your strengths and weaknesses lie, we’ve got you covered.

We’ve put together a free diagnostic tool with our partners at Boardroom Advisors to give you a comprehensive steer on the areas you’re acing, and the areas that could do with firming up. 

screenshot report

The diagnostic is a simple survey that takes about ten minutes to complete and after you’ve filled it in, we’ll email you with your personalised prescription for success.

Sold? Access the tool here to get your report…

Take me to the tool!

We hope you find it useful and easy to use. If you’ve got any feedback, let us know by emailing 


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