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2 min read

AMA: Jules Robertson, co-founder of Tally Workspace

AMA: Jules Robertson, co-founder of Tally Workspace

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Jules Roberston and Laura Beales co-founded Tally Workspace to make finding top-quality workspaces easier for businesses, whether they need a full-time, part-time or shared office, a meeting room or a couple of desks. We sat down with Jules to learn more.

Hi Jules! Could you share the story behind your startup, including the problem you set out to solve and the inspiration that led to its creation?

I started Tally Workspace almost three years ago with my friend and now co-founder, Laura. It was during Covid and at the time we were both working at startups. We quickly realised that the type of workspaces teams need and the way they will be used will change.

We wanted to create an easy and supportive way for businesses to find the right workspace for their teams. It is a minefield out there!  

Did you hit any roadblocks along the way?

So many. Who doesn't, right?

Hiring is our most constant roadblock.

We also work in a rapidly changing and fast-growing market which can be hard, but exciting to keep up with!

What's your approach to assembling and motivating the team?

The team is of course everything and we are lucky to have a fabulous one. We do a lot of value evaluating and practical exercises during the hiring process. In terms of motivation, we try to ask the team for a lot of feedback.

We also set strict quarterly goals (with prizes) and go through them weekly.

Have there been any significant changes or evolutions in your business strategy, and what motivated those decisions?

The type of workspace teams want has changed dramatically since we started Tally Workspace, and it continues to do so. So, we have adapted and evolved the product accordingly, by adding products and features at speed. We are working towards a much larger vision but the month-to-month priorities do pivot based on customer demand and results.

Do you have a mentor? What advice would you offer to others seeking mentorship?

I think it can be hard as a female founder as you are offered a lot of advice and mentor schemes. It is important to be clear about what you want from a scheme or mentor. I am lucky to have had a great mentor in an old boss of mine but am always looking for others as the business grows.

My advice is to be VERY clear to your mentor about what you would like mentored on, how you work, and how much time you have to commit.

For aspiring entrepreneurs and early-stage founders, what are the most critical pieces of advice you would give to help them on their startup journey?

Just start. Also, interview everyone!

Do you have a share scheme in place? If so, what does that do for your company?

Yes. We have an option pool for the team, and we take the time to explain how this could benefit the team long term, as it can be confusing!

That education piece is hugely important! What sets your startup apart from competitors, and how do you maintain a competitive edge?

The workspace market is very crowded, like many. Tally Workspace stands out heads and shoulders above others in terms of customer service and transparency.

If you could time travel to any point in history to learn from or meet an iconic entrepreneur or innovator, who would it be, and what questions would you ask them?

Good question. Mark Dixon when he started IWG (formerly Regus). I would love to see what the world of workspace was like back when they started!

Thanks for welcoming us to your world, Jules! We look forward to seeing Tally Workspace grow.
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