How do I add an existing SH01?

When an SH01 is submitted directly to Companies House, the Vestd platform needs to be updated.

You should have received an email containing a link to a page on Vestd where you can enter share issues relating to an SH01. On that page you'll see the share allotment that contains details of the SH01.

Alternatively, at the top of your Home page within Vestd you will see an information box, which contains the links to record the details.

Whichever route you take, you will be asked to record the share issue(s) relating to this allotment. For each share issue, we'll need to know who it was to and how many shares were issued. For an existing shareholder, simply select their name from the list. A new shareholder can be added here too - we'll ask you for their name and email address.

Once the total number of shares from the share issues matches the number of shares in the allotment, you're all done. Vestd is up-to-date with your company's cap-table and shareholders.

Once you have completed the update, please contact so that we can get you out of read only.

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