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2 min read

AMA: Euan Cameron, founder & CEO at Willo

AMA: Euan Cameron, founder & CEO at Willo

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While some sectors have obviously suffered great losses through the pandemic, others have flourished.

Many companies in the digital arena have seen enormous gains over the past year, and today’s interviewee, Euan Cameron has witnessed his platform, Willo, explode in popularity.

Euan Cameron (Digital) (1 of 5)

We caught up with him to find out a bit more about why Willo has been so successful, and to pick up some tips for anybody wanting to follow in his footsteps.

Hey Euan! Thanks for meeting with us. Could we start by hearing a bit about what Willo does?

Willo is a virtual interviewing platform which enables people in over 135 countries to record short video-based responses to answers. Primarily used for building and hiring great teams, but also used in generating marketing testimonials and training. 

We launched in 2020 and have seen 600% growth which has been partly fuelled by lockdowns around the world.

How did the idea for your company come about?

It was when I was hiring people back in my early career, I found that it was almost impossible to choose top talent from a CV, and I never had time to interview. So I started asking candidates to send me videos. 

It worked and that is when Willo was born!

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Can you share any practical tips or processes to help people work remotely?

I have worked remotely for a number of years now and my top tips are to take regular breaks, keep a task list so you don't get lost in menial tasks, and stay hydrated with plenty of water. It’s also worth investing in a good quality USB webcam.

How do you keep your team aligned?

We speak once or twice per week on a team catch-up. We also use Twist and Yac to communicate. We share what we are collectively working on. I also produce quarterly whitepapers which sets out the vision and mission - the team can then read this at any time. 

What is the biggest mistake you've made as an entrepreneur?

This is a tricky one, but probably trying to do too many things - it just leads to exhaustion. 

I've now got a good network of contacts who can take care of things which I'm not good at.

Do you have a share or option scheme in place for your team? What impact has it made?

Yes we have an EMI share scheme which has been great in helping attract and motivate amazing talent. 

We are an early stage startup so we don't have the luxury of paying big salaries yet... so options are great. We also use options for our advisors. 

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Do you think you’ve got your work/life balance right, and why?

I don't think it’s been great during lockdown as I’ve found I am at my desk for way too many hours. However as the summer approaches I plan to get out and make time for me and my family outdoors again.

What are your three most important company values?

Honesty - truthful and transparent in all we do. Be that our contracts externally or our relationships internally.

Flexibility - We work wherever we do it best. The time we spend on work isn’t measured by quantity, but by quality.

Simplicity - We are clear, concise, and engaging. Whether explaining a complex idea or providing feedback to a teammate. Less is more.

Have you ever had a near-death experience?

Haha not that I can remember! However, I have a habit of forgetting things like that! 

Do you think your views are mainstream or a little off-centre? How so?

I like to think my views are mainstream and I always try to think of the collective effort of everyone. I do enjoy my own time for thinking and forming my own views, but they are always mindful of others and doing good in the world.

Thanks Euan!

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